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If I recently had a headshot taken, can I just use that one?

As much as we would like to say yes, please schedule a time to come in for your 5 minute photo session. Our aim is to capture official portraits of all our providers wearing new lab coats and against the same new color background reflecting our new brand color. 

What do I do if I have an issue with my password or login not found?

If you are copying and pasting the password from the invite, you’ll want to make sure you’re not highlighting beyond the last character of the password.  If you highlight beyond that, it will add an extra character (the space after) and result in a bad password. Please email for any issues signing in or scheduling

Do I  have to schedule my photo session at a specific location?

No.  Please choose the location, date and time that works best for you.

How much time will this take?

Each photo session will take about 5 minutes.

What should I wear for my photo session?

We will be providing new, freshly pressed lab coats, so feel free to just bring yourself and your personality. And, of course you can bring your own lab coat, if you wish. When choosing what to wear underneath your lab coat, solid colors look best. We will have an optional hair and makeup artist to help you look your best self, if you are interested. If So, please allow for 20 minutes extra time.

Can I reschedule my photo session if I have a conflict?

​Yes. If you are running late or can’t make your appointment, we will try to fit you in on the same day. But if you would like to reschedule, log into the scheduling tool, and find a new time that works best for you.

Will I be able to review my photo?

Yes. You will receive a link with your photo to review and approve.

Does every provider get a photo?

​Yes. We are asking every single physician and APP who is part of Endeavor Health, whether you are in the Medical Group or an affiliate, to sign up for your portrait photo session. We are looking for 100% participation. These photos will be used in the profile section of our new website, as well as for other Endeavor Health growth and marketing initiatives.

For additional information, please email

Log in to the scheduling site with your email and the password provided in your booking email.

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